Saturday, February 5, 2011 Awarded Vertical Response's 2009 Checkie Award

Frederick, MD (PRWEB) August 15, 2009

Hard work, creativity and catering towards the customer's wants and needs pays off in the form of recognition. That's exactly what happened when online printer was awarded Vertical Response's Checkie Award. The Checkie Award showcases 123Print's excellence in email marketing and campaigning.

The criteria used to evaluate award winners was broken down by category, and designed to recognize marketing success in both creativity and results. The Checkie Award was based on the number of email campaigns sent with Vertical Response per month, the open rates, and the click through rate. met all of the necessary criteria to be nominated and win the award.

The staff is diligent and dedicated to always making sure their emails are completely compliant legally and in regards to distribution. While advertising their goods in their emails, 123Print looks to help their customers find solutions to their business and personal needs, by utilizing the products that 123Print offers. also goes the extra mile to make sure emails are eye-catching, and fully functioning in all web browsers. "We're honored to be recognized for the success we've had with our email campaigns," said 123Print General Manager John Jenner. lets their customers know via emails about creating, printing, and having a quick turnaround of products for home and business including business cards, invitations, marketing materials and holiday cards. "The ultimate goal of our email campaigns, is to make them easy to understand and efficient for the customer," Jenner said, adding "something we hope to always achieve in the future."

For additional information on the news in this release or 123Print, contact Richard Scotti for visit


123Print is a one-stop resource for custom-printed, personalized products for business, home and social needs. Featuring thousands of templates and online design tools, 123Print is the easy-to-use, low-cost solution to high-quality printing that helps business and individuals express themselves.


Richard Scotti, Communications Coordinator

301-631-2153 ext. 63518

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